Enrolment options

Enseignants: Prof. Christophe De Vleeschouwer and Prof. Laurent Jacques

Abstract: After an introduction to the fundamentals of digital image capture and representation, the course addresses the mainstream areas of image processing. Through lecture, projects and paper review, the student should get enough skills to solve non-trivial problems in a broad range of applicative fields like quality control, visual communication, video surveillance, human-computer interfaces, medical imagery, and so forth.
Lecture topics include:
  • Digital image representation
  • Human perception
  • 2D Discrete Fourier Transform
  • Image and signal representations (Fourier, Wavelets, ...)
  • Linear and non-linear filtering
  • Sparse signal/image models and applications (compression, restoration, compressed sensing)
  • Image and video compression
  • Morphological image processing
  • Feature detection (edges, corners, textures)
  • Segmentation and shape analysis
  • Multimodal images registration
  • Detection and recognition of objects
  • Object tracking in video sequences

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)