Opciones de matriculación

This course focuses on the articulation between public & private interests in the governance of the EU.

The first part of the course lays out the history and panorama of the “Brussels bubble”, the different repertoires of collective actions used by interest groups and the connection between democratic and public affairs logics.
The second part of the course focuses on  cases-studies where students form groups to prepare a policy position and present their advocacy strategies. The coruses investigate 3 group of players: public auhtorities (States, REgions, Cities), Economic interests (firms, networks and auiting) and Civil Society interests (Think tanks, NGOs, Trade unions & social movements. 
Case studies include Taxonomy & delegated acts, Firm lobbying and the EU Chip Act, ;the Walloon parliament and the CETA ; Performing advocacy on  the ECB, Budapest & the RRF, .
The third class of the course will be of a ‘reverse class” type whereby students must research and set up a precise presentation on the following themes: Changing with climate: Fossil firms and the undermining of the climate catastrophe since 50 years; Going Beyond Brussels: lobbying the Liikanen directive in Paris and Berlin; Platform workers: the unexpected success story of low-skilled workers. Students are strongly encouraged to present their research under the form of short “theater plays”.

Auto-matriculación (Estudiante)
Auto-matriculación (Estudiante)