Enrolment options

This course will tackle the new challenges marketers have to meet when designing their marketing strategy in the rapidly changing digital landscape.


The new digital environment had a major impact on consumers’ habits and needs. As a result, the way to understand, communicate and reach consumers has changed dramatically. Companies have now to be in contact with the consumer wherever he is, on whatever devices he uses and at any moment of the day. Traditional marketing is over and a series of new marketing concepts have to be understood to be effective in this new environment.

Moreover, companies need to be able to manage, analyse and take actions on big data generated. This has an impact on the way companies have to manage and structure their marketing department.  This is complex and requires new skills that companies do not always have.

The course will help students to 

1) Understand how marketing has to change in light of the new digital landscape, 

2) Review how to develop a marketing strategy in this new landscape 

3) Learn how to design a marketing plan taking into account traditional and new digital tools.


This course is divided into 2 groups:

- LLSMS 2102 with Prof Schuiling for students with names from A to K and

- LLSMS 2122 with Prof. Lambert for students with names from L to Z. 

All Cems students (Year1) will only attend the LLSMS 2102 course.

The syllabus is the same for both groups, but all the exercises and illustrations will be different. It is therefore impossible to switch from one session to another.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)