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European Public Affairs




 [30 Th. • 5 ECTS]



Teaching methods

Students are expected to prepare preliminary readings for the course which implies to develop a synthesis of the main arguments of their readings. Readings constitute an essential prerequisite of the course.

This semester the lectures will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve.

Please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible if you face COVID19-related problems to attend the class.


Assessment methods

The preparation of summaries based on the reading list provided by the professor and relevant participation during the lectures will account for 30% of the final mark. Every week, for 5 weeks, each student has to summarize a total of minimum 60 pages from articles or books selected in the reading list of the course (downloadable from the website of the course). An electronic version of the five weekly summaries is to be sent by mail to the professor one day before the lecture takes place. Weekly summaries should not exceed 1000 words. The five summaries will be marked and will account with participation for 30% of the final mark. ^

An electronic version of the weekly summaries is to be sent by e-mail to the professor 24 hours before the lecture takes place. ^

The email address is jdefraigne@yahoo.com . The document that contains the summary of the week should be named following this template (if the template is incorrect, the summary might be lost) ^

Last name-first name-summary week n° ^

For example: defraigne-christophe-summary week 2^

At the end of the term, groups composed of four students will have to submit an essay of 12000 words on a specific case study relevant to the course. ^

The group has to be constituted and the topic of the essay has to be chosen before the 7th of December and a proposition has to be submitted to the professor. ^

This essay will be defended in an oral examination of 30 minutes. The essay and the oral defense will account for the remaining 70% of the final mark. ^

Language of instruction



Content of the course



1.The EU Institutions and the EU economic policies


1.1. The European Single Market : functioning and internal barriers

1.2. The European Competition Policy

1.3. The European Trade policy


2. Case studies of businesses, NGOs and specific lobbies 

2.1. Blood diamonds

2.2. Dieselgate & the car industry

2.3. Reach and the EU chemical industry

2.4.  5G in the EU

2.5. The Tobacco industry

2.6. Finance in the EU



The EU Single Market


BALDWIN, Richard  & WYPLOSZ, Charles: « The Economics of European Integration », Mc Graw Hill, 2015


CEPII (2011a), La lettre du CEPII N°316, what benefits from completing the single market, December 15 2011


DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe & NOUVEAU Patricia : « Le Marché Unique » in « Introduction à l’Economie  Européenne », 2ème édition, Ouvertures Economiques, De Boeck, Brussels, 2017.


MONTI Mario (2010), a New strategy for the Single Market, Brussels 2010.






European Competition policy


AGHION, Philippe, BOULANGER, Julian & COHEN Elie: “Rethinking Industrial Policy”, Bruegel Policy Brief, Issue 2011/04, June 2011, Brussels, 2011.


GUINEA, Oscar& ERIXON, Fredrik: “Standing up for Competition: Market Concentration, Regulation, and Europe’s Quest for a New Industrial Policy », ECIPE 2019

DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe & NOUVEAU Patricia : Chapitre 7 « La politique de la concurrence » in « Introduction à l’Economie  Européenne », Ouvertures Economiques, De Boeck, Brussels, 2017.

DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe & NOUVEAU Patricia : Chapitre 8 « La politique industrielle » in « Introduction à l’Economie  Européenne », Ouvertures Economiques, De Boeck, Brussels, 2017

DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe: “From National Champions to European Champions” in DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe & De MORIAME Virginie: « Which industrial and social policy models for 21st century Europe? Redefining public intervention within the framework of the Lisbon strategy / Quels modèles de politique industrielle et de politique sociale pour l’Europe du 21ème siècle ? La redéfinition de l’intervention publique dans le cadre de la stratégie de Lisbonne », Academia-Bruylant, Louvain-la-neuve, 2008 (b).


European Political Strategy Centre : “EU industrial Policy after Siemens-Alstom”, Brussels 2019

MAZZUCATO, Mariana; “Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union”, European Commission, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018.

WILKS, Stephen : « Competition Policy : Towards an Economic Constitution ?” in WALLACE Helen, POLLACK, Mark & YOUNG, Alasdair  : «  Policy-Making in the European Union  » , Oxford University Press, 2010.





The European trade policy



DG Trade (a): “How International Agreement are signed?”, Factsheet,14 June 2011, 2011, Bruxelles.


GSTOHL Sieglinde & De BIEVRE, Dirk : « The Trade Policy of the European Union”, Palgrave Mc Millan, 2018.


MELO AURAUJO, Billy “The EU Deep Trade Agenda”, Oxford University Press, 2016


BALDWIN, Richard  & WYPLOSZ, Charles: « The Economics of European Integration », Mc Graw Hill, 2015, pp  283-296


DEFRAIGNE, Jean-Christophe & NOUVEAU Patricia : « Politique Commerciale » in « Introduction à l’Economie  Européenne », 2ème édition, Ouvertures Economiques, De Boeck, Brussels, 2017, pp320-359


Press clippings & reports

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