Enrolment options

LECON2372 : Economics of Competition Policy, 5 ECTS, Q1, Tuesday: 10:45-12:45 and 14:00 -16:00 

Elisabeth van Hecke- de Ghellinck Office: Department of Economics, D-127 Place Montesquieu,3

email :elisabeth.deghellinck@uclouvain.be

This course is focused on the contribution of economics to the analysis of antitrust issues, such as market definition, market power, horizontal and vertical restraints. Estimating the likely competitive impact of a specific behavior, the price increase resulting from vertical exchanges of information or the foreclosing impact of a particular behaviour involves the combination of economic theory and empirical analyses. 

The main economic arguments supporting the need for regulating these firms’ strategies are considered as well as the limits of the economic approach for those in charge of implementing the competition policy.

Most economic tools you need for examining antitrust issues have been the subject of LECGE1330 (Industrial organization) and LECON2370 (Industrial organisation and competition policy).

Those two courses are hence a prerequisite for this class.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)