Enrolment options

Building on scientific knowledge acquired during their cursus in biomedical sciences, students will independently explore a specific topic in pathophysiology of non communicable human diseases through the search and critical analysis of research papers under the guidance of one of the teachers in charge. They will also learn to communicate their findings through the preparation, presentation and discussion of a poster.

Groups of 2 to 3 students will work on a topic proposed by one of the 10 professors and prepare a poster to be presented for the evaluation. The practical details (topic attribution, number of groups per teacher, poster format...) will be explained during the first class (see schedule).

The practical details for poster delivery and presentation will be explained at the initial meeting.
Evaluation will be based on the scientific content and form of the poster (structure, clarity, leagibility) and on the quality of the presentation and answers to questions.

The poster and presentation should be in English.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)