Opciones de matriculación

In the attempt to promote reform and renewal in the Roman Catholic Church, the idea of synodality has assumed a central place in the life of the Church today. The goal is to discern, as a believing community, the best ways to preserve the Christian faith amidst challenging situations and questions. As such, synodality has become the buzzword in ecclesiological reflections with many iterations in other areas of theology. The objective of this course is to investigate the theological concept of synodality and its ecclesiological significance. What is synodality, and what are its theological foundations? What are the conceptual and contextual expressions of synodality? The course will address some insights from the on-going Synod on synodality (2021-2023), as well as extra questions relating to contextual expressions, ecumenical learning and global solidarity. 

Auto-matriculación (Estudiante)
Auto-matriculación (Estudiante)