UGent-UCL Latin Studies Workshop 2023 : Claudian’s De Raptu Prosperinae
This workshop will bring together two Masters seminars on late antique Latin literature at UGent and UCLouvain, as well as the research teams of those seminar’s organisers, respectively, Marco Formisano (UGent) and Aaron Kachuck (UCL). The workshop will be held on Saturday 16 December 2023 at UGent. This workshop will feature presentations in English by students of the two seminars on Claudian’s De Raptu Prosperinae, with focuses on approaches at the centre of these respective courses, including ecocriticism, the relationship between cult and literature in late antiquity, and surface reading vs depth reading as applied to late antique literature, and, in particular, to the works of Claudian. Presentations will be geared to opening up collective discussion, with inter-university and inter-regional exchanges at the core of this workshop’s mission. Students will prepare presentations (based on coursework) in concertation with their respective course-leaders; preparing and delivering presentations in English, and discussing course material in English, will contribute to goals of internationalization and preparing students for future work in and out of the university involving 1) English-language contexts and partnerships, 2) work between the two language-communities of Belgium, and 3) application of course-material and skills in professional contexts. Doctoral students of Marco Formisano and Aaron Kachuck, as well as other doctoral students from the respective universities, will also take part as discussants, thus facilitating exchange on the both the levels of pedagogy and of research, and serving as a platform for furthering ties between the two universities and language communities, as well as serving as a pilot for such Ghent-UCL Latin studies Workshops in the future.
9h45 | Workshop Part 1 : Claudian, De Raptu Prosperinae, Book I, Surface vs Depth as a Reading Approach (aka “Surfice (sic!) reading”) (UGent) |
11h15 | Coffee break |
11h30 | Workshop Part II : Claudian, De Raptu Proserpinae, Book III (UCL), Ecocriticism and the Relationship between Cult and Latin Literature |
13h | Lunch |
14h30 | Collective Tour of Ghent |
- Docente: Kachuck Aaron