The main objective of this course is to allow the student to gain understanding of mathematical modeling approaches for continuous physical systems.
Topics covered include: (i) dimensional analysis (Buckingham "Pi" Theorem, similarity solutions, scaling), (ii) perturbation methods (regular and singular perturbations, boundary layers, matched asymptotic expansions, multi-scale analysis), (iii) generic topic of diffusion processes (random walk and Brownian motion, diffusion equation, Fick's constitutive equation, Einstein and Langevin approaches), (iv) stochastic calculus and Fokker-Planck equation for Markov processes (Wiener process, Itô calculus, equivalence between stochastic differential equation and Fokker-Planck equation, numerical methods), (v) illustration of recent developments: micro-macro modeling of polymer dynamics (kinetic theory of polymer solutions, associated Fokker-Planck equation, closure approximations and derivation of constitutive equations, numerical solution of Fokker-Planck equation in configuration spaces of high dimension).
- Teacher: Keunings Roland