The climate emergency and the rapid exhaustion of
non-renewable natural resources are making all economic activities increasingly
reliant on the good management of natural resources. The long-term performance
and durability of all organizations increasingly depend on sustainability
strategies and business policies that explicitly consider the impact of their
activities on the environment and, more globally, on society. Against this
backdrop, this course focuses on understanding the business and policy logic
for making the environment, sustainability, and natural resources core elements
of the strategy and management of organizations. It studies the processes and
tools that can be used to link environmental, sustainability, and natural
resource concerns with strategies, development of products and services, and operations
management. More specifically, the course provides guidance as to how and when
environmental, energy, and natural resource management can be translated into
business model innovations and the achievement of a circular and regenerative
Upon completion of this course, learners will:
- Understand the implications of climate change and the scarcity of natural resources for organizations, the economy, and society;
- Have in depth knowledge of the underpinnings of a circular and regenerative economy;
- Identify the opportunities that a circular and regenerative economy opens for existing companies and the creation of new ones;
- Develop
a systemic thinking and be aware of the interdependencies between all the
actors of an ecosystem.
- Docente: Belleflamme Paul
- Docente: Marichal Xavier
- Docente: Mossay Emmanuel
- Docente: Shrestha Prabal