The Sun:
Stars (formation, diagram of Hertzsprung-Russell, fusion,abundance of elements) - Description of the inner Sun (radiative, convective zones) - The solar atmosphere (photosphere, chromosphere, corona) - Sunspots, solar activity cycle - Solar eruptions (CME, flares, proeminences...)- Coronal holes
Physics of gas and plasmas:
Definitions and properties - Fundamental equations - kinetic and hydrodynamic approaches - Links and differences- Debye Length - Velocity distribution functions - Hydrostatic equilibrium - Hydrodynamic equilibrium
The interplanetary space:
Solar magnetic field - Solar wind - Comets - Application of the fundamental equations for plasmas
The magnetosphere:
Origin of the geomagnetic field - Description of the different regions of plasmas, currents - Magnetopause, polar cusps, plasmasheet, Van Allen belts ...
Movement of the particles in a magnetic field:
Decomposition in 3 superposed movements - Drift forces - Application to the Van Allen belts
Sun-magnetosphere interactions:
Magnetic storms and substorms - Aurora - Space weather - Indexes of geomagnetic activity
Sources of ionization - Ionospheric layers - Propagation of radio waves - Refraction index - Perturbations due to the solar activity - Influence on satellites and GPS - Plasmapause formation
Neutral atmosphere:
Temperature profile - Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere - Photodissociation, chemical reactions, ozone
Planetary atmospheres:
Mercury - Venus - Mars - Giant planets - Exoplanets
- Teacher: Pierrard Viviane