Learning philosophy and participation 

The 2-hour classes will combine lectures and seminars, including in-class exercises and discussions. Students are expected to participate actively and constructively in the sessions and to prepare readings.


Course objectives 

The main objective of this class is to provide students with a thorough understanding of AFSJ, its policies, actors and discussions. Notably, this course introduces students to those concepts, approaches, scholarly and political debates as well as policy initiatives that allow us to study the construction of the AFSJ. 


Upon successful completion of the course, students will have: 

  1. gained a comprehensive empirical knowledge of the main AFSJ policies. Students will receive and look for the information needed to capture the actors, dynamics, reforms and discussions related to this policy field;
  2. critically assessed the diverse theoretical approaches to the EU’s AFSJ, including critical ones. They will be encouraged to apply theories and concepts to their new empirical knowledge to identify contemporary debates and developments; 
  3. further developed academic skills (e.g. how to engage with academic literature; how to debate based on scientific arguments) and non-academic ones (e.g. how to participate in a group work; how to write a policy brief).