In this lecture, the main concepts required to understand the physics of systems structured at the nanometer scale are introduced, and several types of these nano-systems are investigated in details : fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene, systems for spintronics, clusters, nanowires, …

Realization of a project dedicated to the physics of a certain class of nanostructures. Oral presentation (under the form of a mini-colloquium) and written report of the project (including a recent bibliography – research state of the art).


In the first part of the course, the ex-cathedra lectures are divided in three parts. In the first one, the atomic and electronic structures of clusters and nanowires are studied. The second part is dedicated to carbon-based nanostructures (fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene), and their associated concepts. At last, the third part describes the main spintronics concepts and nanosystems (giant magnetoresistance, tunnel magnetoresistance, spin valves, spin transfer torque, ...) and other novel routes to spintronic devices.

In the second part of the course, students choose and complete a project (individually or in groups of two):

- They select a topic of study related to the physics of specific class of nanostructures, and discuss its relevance in a plenary session (at which time one of the three teacher is appointed for their personal coaching);

- They study this subject, with regularly consultation of the designed teacher in order to insure the project to be well focused;

- They then prepare a preliminary report, which is discussed with the teachers during a formative evaluation;

- Finally, they submit the report, and defend it orally during a mini-colloquium where the different projects are presented in a pedagogic way to the other strudents. The discussion between strudents are encouraged during this meeting. The final certification is based on the quality of the written report, on the oral presentation, and on the intensive discussions during the mini-colloquium.