Constraint Programming is a technique concerned with finding solutions to real-world problems (such as industrial problems). The technique consists in modelling and solving real-world problems as constraint programs. Constraint programs describe the problem with constraints the solutions have to respect. Finding a solution / the best solution to those problems also uses the constraints to speed up the search.
A student completing this course will be able to :
- Describe a real world problem using constraints in the Constraint Programming framework
- Understand and apply techniques for solving Constraint Problems
- Solving simple problems described as Constraint Problems
- Understand and explain foundations of models and languages for constraint solving
- Identify problem classes where constraint programming can be apply successfully
- Formulate a complete resolution strategy (model and search) for a real-world problem using Constraint Programming
This course will use Oscar Constraint Programming toolkit in Scala.
- Teacher: Delecluse Augustin
- Teacher: Deville Yves
- Teacher: Schaus Pierre